, , , & , Familiarisation: Restructuring Layouts with Visual Learning Models, in Shlomo Berkovsky, Yoshinori Hijikata, Jun Rekimoto, Margaret M. Burnett, Mark Billinghurst, & Aaron Quigley (eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2018, Tokyo, Japan, March 07-11, 2018,547-558 (ACM ). DOI  PDF


In domains where users are exposed to large variations in visuo-spatial features among designs, they often spend excess time searching for common elements (features) in familiar locations. This paper contributes computational approaches to restructuring layouts such that features on a new, unvisited interface can be found quicker. We explore four concepts of familiarisation, inspired by the human visual system (HVS), to automatically generate a familiar design for each user.

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