, , , & , Helaba: A System to Highlight Design Rationale in Collaborative Design Processes, in Yuhua Luo (ed.), Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering - 12th International Conference, CDVE 2015, Mallorca, Spain, September 20-23, 2015. Proceedings,175-184 (Springer ). DOI  PDF


Design activities associated to the ideation phase of design processes require mutual understanding and clear communication based on artefacts. However, this is often a challenge for remote and multidisciplinary teams due to the lack of ad hoc tools for this purpose. Our approach is to solve these limitations by explicitly connecting pieces of information related to design rationale, feedback, and evolution with the artefacts that are subject of communication. We propose Helaba, a system that creates a shared workspace to support communication revolving around design artefacts and activities within multidisciplinary teams. Helaba supports design communication and rationale, and potentially leads to more satisfying outcomes from the design process.

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