Model-Based User Interface Development uses a multitude of models which are related in one way or another. Usu- ally there is some kind of process that starts with the design of the abstract models and progresses gradually towards the more concrete models, resulting in the final user interface when the design process is complete. Progressing from one model to another involves transforming the model and map- ping pieces of information contained in the source model onto the target model. Most existing development environ- ments propose solutions that apply these steps (semi-)automatically in one way only (from abstract to concrete models). Man- ual intervention that changes the target model (e.g. dialog model) to the designer preferences is not reflected in the source model (e.g. task model), thus this step can introduce inconsistencies between the different models. In this paper, we identify some rules that can be manually applied to the model after a transformation has taken place. The effect on the target and source models are shown together with how different models involved in the transformation can be up- dated accordingly to ensure consistency between models.