, , , & , Engineering Interactive Computing Systems 2022: Editorial Introduction,Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 6, 149:1–149:3 (2022). DOI WWW


The Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS) track of the Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACM-HCI) is the primary venue for research contributions at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Software Engineering. EICS 2022 is the fourteenth edition of the EICS conference, however, our community was the first to organize a scientific gathering to foster and exchange research ideas and contributions on how to engineer the effective interactive aspects of a computing system. In the seventies of the previous century, the Conference on Command Languages explored the emerging primary technologies to interact with computing systems, namely command languages. Since then, this conference has evolved into the Engineering HCI conference, and the same community organized sibling conferences such as CADUI (Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces), Tamodia (Tasks, Models and Diagrams) and DSV-IS (Design Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems). These separate venues merged into one single ACM SIGCHI sponsored conference in 2010 EICS (see Fig.1). This conference became the primary venue for rigorous contributions, and dissemination of research results, that hold the interconnection between user interface design, software engineering and computational interaction.

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